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20 Planning Tips for 2020

Put pen to paper and implement these 20 planning tips that will help you get more focused, organized and one step closer to reaching your goals.

20 Planning Tips for 2020
20 Planning Tips for 2020

I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex Stearn, founder of MY PA Planner, the ultimate planner for business and life on Kick in the Yes Podcast, it’s the episode called How to Plan for Success. After the release of this show, I’ve gotten so many inquiries and comments on the planning tips and what great information it was - I wanted to create a short episode just on that.

One thing I’ve learned as an entrepreneur - you’ve got to have a plan. This episode is focused on how to help you become a better planner. My goal is to help you on your journey to success - I can cheer you on from afar but the one person in control is you. Planning is part of it and the other is to take action. Let’s take the stress and overwhelm out of the equation.

Don't forget you are 42% more likely to achieve a goal if you write it down!

Here’s my interview with Alex Stearn and the 20 planning tips for 2020 to help you get more organized, focused and one step closer to reaching your goals.

Put pen to paper and write these tips down. #kickintheyes


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